
Breathe Easy: Your Guide to World Lung Cancer Day


Have you heard of World Lung Cancer Day? Are you looking for a positive inlet to modern lung cancer treatment and research? This year, the world has dedicated a day to lung cancer. All members of the world, from the school systems to specialized facilities, are coming together to make a change in the cancer community and the [...]

Breathe Easy: Your Guide to World Lung Cancer Day2019-08-01T15:24:57-04:00

July is Sarcoma Awareness Month: Everything You Need to Know


Sarcoma (cancer related) diagnosis medical concept on tablet screen with stethoscope. In 2017 around 9.6 million people around the world died from various types of cancer.  If you or a loved one haven't received a cancer diagnosis, odds are you know someone who has.  Perhaps you even know someone who has been affected by Sarcoma. [...]

July is Sarcoma Awareness Month: Everything You Need to Know2019-07-15T16:29:17-04:00

7 Ways a Cancer Support Group Can Help You During Treatment


diverse women united with breast cancer awareness ribbon Receiving a cancer diagnosis is one of the most devastating things that can happen to someone. It invades every part of their life: their health, their work, their family and their relationships. And with the physical and emotional toll of treatment, you're left with a [...]

7 Ways a Cancer Support Group Can Help You During Treatment2019-06-25T15:51:24-04:00

March Is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment


Did you know that cancer is the second-leading cause of death in the US? Have you seen the pink ribbons some health organizations distribute in October? Pink ribbons in October represent breast cancer. Cancer awareness groups and health organizations distribute these ribbons for breast cancer awareness. There are different months and colors for different kinds of cancer. [...]

March Is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment2019-03-24T13:40:51-04:00

After the Diagnosis: Finding Help for Cancer Patients’ Families


Finding out your loved one has cancer can leave you reeling from shock. All of a sudden it can feel as though your world has come crashing down around you. Help for cancer patients' families is out there though, and if you can be at your strongest, it will help your loved make sense of [...]

After the Diagnosis: Finding Help for Cancer Patients’ Families2019-03-04T17:28:16-05:00

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month


In 2018, over 13,000 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer. And while that number may seem jarring at first, it's worth noting that the incidence of cervical cancer dropped over 50% since 1975. Clearly, we have made advances in cervical cancer detection, screening, and treatment processes. But at AO Multispecialty Clinic we know that prevention is key, and our [...]

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month2019-01-15T22:25:40-05:00

How to Tell Your Loved Ones You Have Cancer


Being told you have cancer is, unfortunately, only the start of the challenging conversations you're likely to have regarding your cancer diagnosis and its treatment. After you hear the news, you'll eventually need to share it with others, including your spouse, partner, children, family, friends, and colleagues. For many people, just the thought of these conversations can be very scary. How will people take the news? [...]

How to Tell Your Loved Ones You Have Cancer2018-12-21T22:17:08-05:00

10 Benefits of Joining a Cancer Support Community


Do you feel alone in your cancer battle? Even though there will be almost two million people diagnosed with cancer in 2018, treatment can feel incredibly isolating. If you do feel alone, there are ways to seek support and guidance through your treatment process. One of the best ways is by joining a cancer support community. Keep [...]

10 Benefits of Joining a Cancer Support Community2018-11-29T17:02:26-05:00

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: 10 Ways You Can Get Involved


Everybody knows that October brings tricks and treats. But did you know that is also internationally recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month? In hopes to support survivors and their families and raise awareness about the disease, to promote early detection, treatment, and palliative care of this disease, people find all sorts of ways to get [...]

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: 10 Ways You Can Get Involved2018-10-01T17:14:19-04:00

Cancer Support Groups: What You Can Expect When You Start Going to One


Whether it's yourself or a loved one facing cancer, the experience is all-consuming. You rarely get a chance to think about anything else. While you do need to put your energy into healing, it can be very helpful to have someone with whom to share the burden. Cancer support groups offer help in several different ways. There is support [...]

Cancer Support Groups: What You Can Expect When You Start Going to One2018-09-19T13:25:02-04:00
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